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 Free Charisma Report

How to have more charisma!

If The Sexy Women you Want to Meet, Don't Even know you exist when you walk in a new room, chances are you will never have a hot date with them And..

Are Probably Settling for Less

Let's admit it; The women that u DESIRE to attract and date have high social status and sexual power. It's true. It can be difficult to feel worthy or compare when all kinds of other men would be lined up to date them.


And I think that by now you don't want to play pick-up artist games to have to prove your worth, NOR become a sugar daddy. 


So what IS it that can make you stand out?  Well...let's just make sure that you're in the right place first.


Are you an upwardly mobile single** man who Desires to:

*Turn heads when u walk in the room and having new women checking u out while u are comfortable in your own skin in any social, dating or professional environment (including with multiple high status women) like a real-life 007?

*Effortlessly exude high status sex appeal that compels attractive, evolved women to you (while being the envy and inspiration of other men without even trying)?

*Have a GF that other people are giving you real looks of envy and awe?...b/c of ur connection with her - it even re-inspires couple that have lost the flame to re-evaluate their own love

*Get a GF who also has a lot of high status friends and it instantly takes you into a higher quality of social circle of which you are attuning and up-grading yourself to accept and fit into more b/c this is a far stretch from the friends you used to hang around with

*Have experiences that u dreamt of realizing that making out is similar to before, it's just that you feel that it's more than 'just' a physical connection; there's a deeper spiritual connection and spark between you that you can't put a finger on - and she's just so beautiful in ur eyes that you keep reminding yourself that this isn't a dream as you continue caressing her smooth, hydrated skin and making out with her enjoying long drawn out kisses

*Rest assured confidently in knowing that you are always making the BEST first impression with new contacts without having to worry about it?

*Have priceless opportunities, connections and relationships open up for you that NEVER opened before from people that previously ignored you?

*Have an 'it' factor and non-verbal charm that inspires, compels and DRAWS people to you - without even saying a word or worrying about it (because they can already sense that they can trust you)

*Confidently relate and network with the most powerful people in any room who can open entirely new doors of social and professional advancement for you?

*Have your new image and Facebook working FOR you 24/7 (instead of against you) to attract new relationships, love interests and professional contacts (at the level u WANT)?


**If you are married or in a long-term relationship, you are still welcome to read the report which is geared more towards single men - or reach out to me more direct for a Facebook chat or energy reading.

And do you want to;


*Stop suffering nervous butterflies in ur stomach around gorgeous, high status women that you are attracted to?


*Stop feeling powerless and lower status; like u are forced to settle for less in life while they get to have all the fun?

*Stop being right out of the radar range of higher status circles and movers that are doing epic things in alignment with where you want to go?


yes - you can get more higher status, attractive women noticing u than ever before.


And u can step into higher status power without game.


Ever notice that SOME men just seem to have all of this together and LIVE these results around others?

U sense there's just 'something about him' when THAT man walks into a room (even though it make might you envious as hell!).

THAT man effortlessly attracts and relates with high status movers, beautiful people and influencers with super-natural self-confidence and comfort in his own skin...he's free from social anxieties and just


EXUDES this magical 'quality' and gravitas


He's in another league. That man fascinated me and I desired to be him.

And I knew his secret wasn't just 'confidence', because a man could be confident in one area of life (like bossin' accounts receivable) and it just wouldn't translate over having this kind of magic effect on people.

These rare men; it seemed like they weren't even DOING anything but they were winning the respect of other awesome, powerful people.

And it wasn't from what they were saying; because they were attracting and influencing often without ever speaking. That's how I knew it wasn't just his 'personality' or talent.

So; what the hell IS it? What is their secret?

It's Charisma


But not just any charisma, if that man is having WOMEN respond to him like that - there was a special SEXUAL quality about it and something that $ couldn't buy.

We could call it


ROCK-STAR charisma or Moviestar charisma.


Know what I'm talking about?


He's got that special, 'connected', universal, high status sex appeal that makes him in some cases 100x more in demand than other men; men who are living vicariously through him.


Even with women who were obviously taken, there was still a flirtatious but safe charm about them and their communication. People could OPEN UP, feel safe and GOOD around this guy.

They wanted to be seen with him.


A man who has star charisma;

*Effortlessly attracts and associates with the highest status people in the room

*Rises to the top of his industry (and doesn't have to 'struggle' or 'climb' like others do)

*Often EXCITES and magnetizes women while other men can't even get women to tell them the time of day

*Lives in abundance with women and has choice

*Doesn't have to be a sugar daddy b/c women are just into him whether he's rich or not

*Often gets VIP treatment just by showing up

*Is able to attract the quality of woman as a soul mate that other men envy (and who isn't into him just for his money)


*Would STILL have other women lined up for him if he ever got out of that relationship

*Knows how to host and handle himself around multiple women while other men remain stumped and living in fear, confusion or anxiety (often w/just 1)

*Even has women competing for him, his time, attention and affection without worries - on levels average men only fantasize about


*Doesn't have to memorize pick-up lines or ever play games to manipulate people into a certain state or feeling influenced by him

                                I wondered; "How can I have THAT!?"

..Those authentic qualities, affect and influence on people effortlessly;


But without having to be rich, famous, a rockstar, pro athlete or

sporting a fitness model body?

(I was more interested in having the quality itself at cause, because I knew it could then attract/receive or generate unlimited new connections, love interests, opportunities, desirable relationships and material things itself rather than just focusing on the material).

I knew that I just couldn't practically rely on fame. There was no assurance I would EVER become famous.

I wasn't even that great looking and rarely worked out then.

And with women; there were the pick-up artists and I saw what PUA's were doing (literally 'running around' trying to convince women to be into them; but that didn't feel right either). Fortunately, I never went the PUA path.

Doing a lot more of what doesn't work and suffering through endless anxieties just felt off to me AND not to mention that sometimes you will only get ONE shot in meeting someone of great importance (or like a soul mate).

These men with rockstar charisma did NOT have nervous anxieties; it's like they were normalized around beautiful, evolved women and had access to higher social circles.

And often it WAS literal rockstars or movie stars like Lenny Kravitz




or Ryan who were just so comfortable in their own skin wherever they went.



Often I was a dork and nowhere near uber-cool or suave like that.


Personally; I knew that I also didn't want to #fail big networking opportunities with key people on NOT having this handled - while just living in regret, nor did I want to compromise on the quality of women I wanted to date.

I didn't want the lingering fear or anxieties when communicating with powerful people and then having self-hate for not having myself 'handled'.

I noticed things about other men too;


It seemed a lot of men (like wallflowers) didn't even try to meet the women they really wanted to or network with the people that were so high in status b/c they didn't want to make fools of themselves; or they would justify themselves out of it to prevent rejection and further damage to their confidence.

I didn't want to compromise like that, for life was calling me for something more.


I definitely didn't want to lead a social and sexual life of quiet desperation with the illusion of a comfortable exterior.

Nor did I want to just live in fantasy vicariously like millions of single men do with porn, video games and such while suffering from incurable anxieties in the real, social world


And I new that so much of success and life experience is about RELATIONSHIPS and connections...and the quality of them.


Even if I was a master debator or cunning linguist and even though SOME people say 'words' are the way to a woman's heart or bed - I saw in most cases that it wasn't.

Nothing wrong with it; but (being single) I didn't want to become an 18th century poet in order to have an influence on women.

I wanted; even DESIRED star charisma and sex appeal because I knew it was aligned with a deeper truth about myself and awakening career success....well, also because I was often shy and under-spoken.

I don't know about you, but I also realized that things work when I'm RECOGNIZED by others instead of having to fight for attention or 'glom on' to them.


And I knew the difference when others were open to connecting with me vs. just being resistant and not letting me in.  Everything worked when people were OPEN to me.

I wanted that 'it' factor working for me also because


I Didn't want to be a sugar daddy


...with money literally buying exchange to connection with very attractive women; I honestly felt that was a scapegoat and shallow.


I wanted people and women to authentically be into me, for me.


And, in watching men that had 'it' - I knew that this 'x factor' of charisma wasn't just about 'what to say', but more about what WASN'T being said that was having most of the influence.

But unfortunately;


There Wasn't much out there that was any

good on the subject of charisma

Sure there was "How to Win Friends and Influence People" - but to me; charisma was still a non-conscious competence at the highest levels of what was out there including amongst CEOs.

The men who had it, just 'had it' and those that wanted it - didn't have it.

And a lot of men were 'trying' to get it, but I knew that 'trying' wasn't what those with charismatic men were doing at all.

Well, if it's of SUCH high value and importance, if it could turn your life upside-down into one you can't even recognize because of the connections and doors it can open for you;


What The Hell IS Charisma?

besides this magical, attractive, enigmatic quality?


And then, how can a red-blooded, aspirational, single guy like you start having overflowing buckets of it (without ever being a dick or a douche)?

I didn't want limits. I had a yearning to know, so I found the best definitions of charisma and wasn't too impressed so, I came up with a better, improved version definition that can help us.


'The effective visual expression and communication of a soul that attracts, sells and influences others'

So...I won't dive into the definition now, but that helps and can give us a proper frame to work from. With that said however, you might be thinking;

"Soul sounds deep...effectively communicating his truth so that others can perceive and see it?, Makes sense, ...but,


"Aren't there charismatic men with great personalities Rion?"


I wondered that too, but now I see that ego or 'personality' driven men (Gary Vaynerchuk, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh) are the exception.




Sure, in addition to their specialties: they have charisma, but it's kind of giving the wrong impression for the REST of the shy, underspoken men who 'have something about them' that AREN'T boisterous, loud personalities and yet who could continually attract desirable, dateable women.

I think focusing on the ego-driven, vocal, outspoken or even amplifying personality placed emphasis on the wrong things for most men who desire authentic high status attraction and charisma.

"Ok, but Keanu Reeves (or you name him) is FAMOUS or good-looking....that's why."



And a lot of men can tend to think that and brush it off to fame or looks like "When I'm famous THEN I'll 'get the chicks'", etc.


But I saw men experiencing attraction and connection with women who WEREN'T famous and then I also realized that a lot of women could be literal gold-diggers with their own agenda - if u were famous.


I was a charisma PURIST. I wanted the real thing BUT;


I couldn't then grasp how I could be a star or

worthy like that - without being a star!

So I realized that wealth or fame could help men meet or attract women, but the secret to charisma itself wasn't just because they were in Forbes or they're famous or their band 'made it'.


After all; you could take someone who ISN'T famous or rich, with star charisma and they will still have a special magic in social environments; like a local furniture dealer, an Italian plumber in torn jeans who was sexy without trying or someone - so I knew there was something more to it because I was seeing charismatic men who just weren't famous.

They STOOD OUT in environments. Ever notice that when a certain man had walked into the room and it was like everything shifted but no one was saying anything?

Oh - and there were NON-good looking men like Lyle Lovett and Ric Ocasek who had charisma, power and beautiful women in their lives.



I also realized that HAVING a great physique could give a man additional confidence, but on its own it wasn't the secret AT ALL to have real connection with others.


There were skinny men like Neymar just OOZING star charisma for others to see.  They felt like a million bucks - even if they didn't have money.


As a prime example of charisma independent of his talent and fame; he's effectively visually expressing his deeper truth and THIS type of 'je ne se quoi' greatly attracts.



And; not all the men with star charisma were just being loving, generous, gregarious or 'nice' to everyone they met for the sake of it or whatever reason either.


Just the thought of being gregarious (like this one charismatic MLM man I knew) to every single person just burned me out.  Omg, he would walk into a diner and greet every person with a jolly handshake as if they won the Nobel prize.


But that just wasn't me 95% of the time.


I didn't want to have to 'try' to win friends, I wanted them to just be open and more attracted to me.  For him it seemed effortless, but I wasn't gregarious like that. 


I had an older, unmarried co-worker who also had this quality of kind of flirting with every woman whether she was married or not and asking her deep questions...Also that wasn't me.


And then another close friend I had was SUPER-talkative and like a powerful promoter. I was under-spoken and shy next to him.  They all had attractive charisma, but I realized in lieu of my other findings that;

It was a relief that I didn't have to be the loud, obnoxious focal point, famous, a corporate CEO, super-outgoing, lead singer of a popular regional band, Dave Navarro, the best looking guy, rich or sporting a ripped body in order to have great charisma and social gravitas (although some of those things seemed to help)


- IF I could find and live the secret of charisma.


Because it was mostly men who weren't super-talkative.


I thought it had something to with high self-esteem but considering this is star charisma, I knew there were super-natural dynamics that I couldn't yet grasp at the time (including that comprehensive and more accurate definition of charisma).

And I also started seeing how HAVING CHARISMA literally transformed a man from ie. a 6 into a altered our actual perception and belief about him (like Frank Sinatra).




This was also important b/c we didn't have an arsenal of beauty tools like women do.


(and shining his truth from the inside in his visual and non-verbal communication)

actually made a man verifiably better looking



This made me desire it even more b/c sometimes I felt I looked kind of ugly in the mirror...and I knew I wasn't expressing the beauty of myself very effectively often either.

So; we have an idea of what charisma IS; ...that effective expression of his deeper truth that has an impact and influence on others.



But 'HOW' IN THE HELL are men with star charisma and that

level of super-natural confidence getting THOSE Results?!



And I remember when David DeAngelo was interviewing me on stage live @ the Man Transformation event and we were talking about power and how 91% of communication is non-verbal and how we are 'always communicating' even when we thought we weren't.




Their secret had something to do with THAT because obviously; they weren't DOING or often even saying anything - and women and high status people would just be drawn to them, their sub-communication and their gravitas.


I knew it had something to do with their non-verbal

behavior and body language

And I felt that the solution definitely wasn't in 'reverse engineering' or modeling the behavior or body language of other men to then 'act' high status or 'fake it til u make it'.

High status women could see right through it and besides; I had too many internal resistances to make it believably congruent or real anyways.

Those techniques were like Aunt Lou's fruitcake to me; 1 bite?



Ok, but after that...nuh-uh.

I wanted the REAL secret to charisma


I wanted the meat, potatoes and dessert of charisma so I could start living it subjectively and effortlessly like them.

And sure, Tony Robbins has massive charisma and is big on altering your physiology to then affect your state but to me, that wasn't it either.



Although he has a powerful technique (with incantations); to me, that was still weak and incomplete for the 'real thing'...the foundation itself.

Not to mention; these guys with star charisma, just oozing sex appeal weren't always into Tony or 'psyching themselves up' to get into state before going out, etc....they just WERE sexy - like without effort or ever doing NLP that I heard of.

There was 'something about them' and they weren't bass-awkwards modeling other men to become like that.

Not to mention; 'positive' thinking, self-talk or affirmations had almost zero affect on me when I did have anxieties with high status women.

But for another major insight into solving this puzzle; I remember David DeAngelo (Eben Pagan) once said about sub-communication (paraphrased);


"'s like being in a room and noticing 'who' in the room is it

that everyone is trying to impress?"


And I had noticed that power dynamic before too. Often I found that it was me that people were kind of checking glances on and with small little non-verbal signs to see how I would respond or get cues from.


1 time it was a singer who was pouring me whiskey into my mouth from the front a small concert - I guess that was a big non-verbal.


Well, with influence comes power, so


I knew that this non-verbal communication had something to do with power.

Who was everyone vying to impress or jostle into position to be near or check on their social cues from?  It was this 'under the surface stuff' that was making the real differences but we weren't aware of it all the time.


Because I mean hey; literally ALL the men with great charisma it seemed couldn't teach it...they were just non-conscious competents living their effortless badass lives. But they had POWER...and these signs were clues.

And I didn't think it was 'personal' power b/c that was about a lot of 'ego' and attachment to personality while I saw other men not leveraging their ego and having massive attraction.


So I was realizing about this epic man with high status gravitas;

WHO he was, was speaking powerfully and louder than words...


and based on how some women were emotionally and sexually responding, must have been screaming louder than words. Just think of Elvis.



And we think of Elvis moving and dancing a lot but; how is that women would scream and faint even when he was just standing or sitting still?


Sure, the social recognition of his fame might have amplified things even more but remember, there are men having this kind of influence on a regional or environmental scale who weren't famous and it's being in their immediate environment that people start to sense this 'something' about them.



He was doing less, so he must be 'being' more



And if he was having that much social, sexual and emotional influence on people, he must have had POWER in those areas.


   So, what if:

To authentically improve my non-verbal communication and body language WITHOUT faking it 'til I make it, acting, mimicking or 'modeling' behavior of others in the mirror as an outsider...


"What if..I could 'BE' More - and 'DO' Less?"

Well, I don't know about you, but even though I wasn't known as a star - at least I resonated a lot with the 'do less' part!


I mean, it was fatiguing to try and have to talk (or god forbid 'manipulate') higher status people into liking me or 'winning' their attention.


Coffee might be for closers or not, but these are real human beings and relationships we're talking about; not just a quick 'cold sell'.


'But what if I could BE more and do less?'


This was really a big question, because I remember when I was younger pretending to be James Bond in the mirror;




I just didn't know then that asking that question had a lot to do with the answer.

But this was also good because it aligned with my desire TO 'be' more and it seemed that's what these men were doing; well, they weren't doing anything...they were 'being' more powerful and magnetic. AND...they were charismatically and effectively being SELF-EXPRESSED.


With more power comes more influence


They were stronger magnets of attraction because they had more power.


So he was 'being' with more power and when we reference our definition of charisma; effectively communicating his power and truth in visual and socially verifiable ways.


And I knew there was something to it all about the 'star' part that I couldn't put my finger on then, but how does this sound to you?

A formula to that masculine, high status sex appeal, influence and high status charisma was in

BEING More, Doing Less!


Perhaps I WAS cracking the code after all...(and I was getting results to prove it)

Being more powerful in their non-verbal 91% of communication helped men to have influence with other high status people. AND...if you think about it; stars have more power.


Rare men like that were being welcomed and 'let in' (often within seconds) while others were cut out no matter what they tried to 'say' or 'do'.  Ever been THERE?

And this wasn't in 'acting' more powerful, being a pretentious, loud or schmoozy douche or putting on a 'front' (which could then fall out from under them) but actually just BEING more powerful - and SEXUAL, like a star.


'How could I BE more powerful...and more sexual without being a star? 



And when people would meet them, we could look at the power dynamic; they were the ones people were trying to impress or get near in this hidden sub-communication of power and influence.

Because high status people were attuned to know who/what was real and what wasn't; I realized I couldn't 'fake' having the social recognition that I didn't have or even believe I was a star - because (in my understanding of it then), I wasn't.

Ok; so they were SOMEHOW being more powerful, cool and more stars, even if they weren't famous. That was intriguing to me.


Well, how can I start BEING more powerful?

- (but without requiring the fame)?


How can I be cool without acting or faking it?


And again; I knew the primary answers weren't just in the 9% or in memorizing lines or routines to run on countless women until you might finally find a connection point.

Here; just look at Jason Momoa;



He doesn't have to 'run game' on anyone.

His non-verbal power and being-ness or 'essence' is speaking louder than words - SO much so that he doesn't even have to speak or 'do'.




THAT SHIT...that's what I wanted. 


His image (non-physical representation) is saying more than words.

But, was there a name for this non-verbal 'power'?



Presence is literally related to the power of the moment and being fully in it - instead of being somewhere else or having thoughts or fantasies take you into the future, past or out of your body.


And with presence, then a word like 'embodiment' makes sense to help us describe more of the power or even 'soul essence' if u will; ie. he's an embodied, grounded man or he's 'embodied with Kingship qualities'.


So it was about having more POWER and embodiment in what we would call 'presence'.

And we know an image is communicating like 1 million words.

And I was realizing this power wasn't just about the loudness of their ego or personality. (Think of Gilbert Gottfried as an extreme - ok, I'm sorry try to let that go).




Men like Momoa; it was/is IN their non-verbal 'communication-without-communicating' which THEN just naturally and seemingly quite effectively exuded and expressed from their own 'field'.




Women would already know they had 'it'.


And the eye contact had a lot to do with it too...but it wasn't in practicing eye contact or faking it...there was something to it - real POWER behind it.


A man like that could theoretically rip a fart and women would giggle while busy-bee PUA's seemed to have to jump through all kinds of mechanical hoops in order to have that effect.

With presence he could do FAR less or nothing at all or even anti-social things and many women that other men desired would be attracted in his presence - while high status men would admire him and let him in socially.


Presence is a way to access far far more power


With more powerful presence he was having more powerful INFLUENCE - like a star.


Without words.


And he could INFLUENCE people from POWER instead from Force.


(I was also studying Dr. David Hawkins)


All this non-verbal power opened doors of ACCESS for him.


And in many industries; access and connection is everything in spite of how many jealous haters there are towards it who are still left 'out'.


A man with presence had more power available now in the moments that mattered IN his personal field to affect people and could relate with powerful people as their worthy equal;

And with all of this amplified; the star charisma effect could be like a frenzy around some men.

And the HIGHER status women he could have with him and the social verification OF his power and influence; it validated his status and kind of compounded the effect other women had on him...all creating more desire and more demand.

Meanwhile; shy average men who weren't pick-up artists were just as confounded at how women responded to men like this when what they often wanted to do was profess their feelings for a woman only to end up in the friendzone and living in scarcity while meanwhile there WAS many many women out there.

I knew I deserved more.


With presence; a man like me or you could BE more while doing less and have the sex/love life of his dreams if he wanted and doors of social access and opportunity opening up.


Again; with more power and more power just living and focused IN the moment, he had more influence.

That word IS familiar, isn't it? hmmm..Presence.

U might have heard it from Eckhart Tolle and 'The Power of Now'.  And POWER is available in the moment, but most people aren't living IN the now to access such power, however a truly present man is.


Being present had a special quality and power about it; an impersonal quality or spiritual quality. Eckhart has a lot of ego-less presence or literal spiritual power.



So, we talked about a bit and;

Besides a major component of authentic self-expression (charisma) >

What is 'Presence'?


Again, I made a deeper definition and u can sense how it resonates with u;



1. The energetic, spiritual (and physical) embodiment of a soul; its awareness, power and connection to source (consciousness) in the moment of now


2. The ability to be fully in the moment with all of one's consciousness (and subconsciousness)


Well; first of all we're talking about 'soul' here...what if that could be ur truer and greater self-identity? - instead of the ego-self attachment to ur name and the constructed filters and walls built around it?


I mean; Inner Game literally denotes ego-self attachment


And to me in the era after that event in 2008; ego from unfulfilled men wasn't very sexual then (or like EVER).


Presence includes being more fully here now and more in your body instead of day-dreaming or stuck in monkey mind thought patterns 'somewhere else' literally 'out' of the moment and with far less physical presence of power.


Meditation was a way to transition to a different subject experience of 'self'. Zen meditation was a path to access more of this impersonal power but...


I realized presence wasn't just about spiritual transcendance of ego-self but in such that Andre the Giant (RIP) ie. had a great physical presence.



Hmm...'naturals' DID have a factor or quality of PRESENCE with women (whether they were ever into spirituality or Eckhart).


They had a physical, sexual INFLUENCE on a woman's field whether she was often conscious of it or not.  Because of their influence, there was power.

So; the secret wasn't in more 'doing' like pick-up artists mastering routines or the re-engineering the art of conversation; the real secret to ME - was in BEING more and being more IN THE POWER OF NOW instead of siphoning off into fantasy or elsewhere.


And it becomes of core relevance to realize that the beautiful people that you DESIRE to meet and associate with do have real and verifiable power.


And when I looked at how LACKING in presence PUA's as well as most modern single men were around high status women (and how externalizing they were), it really made sense.



All that nervousness, self-consciousness, unworthiness, creeping self-doubt, fear of rejection, not knowing what to say?


>>>Symptoms of a deeper problem which was LACK of presence<<<<


Naturals with women (and bad boys) who were experiencing real, natural sexual attraction had presence, pick-up artists by and large didn't. Could it be about THAT simple?


Wow...why was everyone else focusing on this OTHER superficial stuff?!


Eckhart wasn't talking about this stuff geared towards sexual and social singles thriving, but I saw how it was all related to presence (which also gave one transformational confidence TO relate to high status people as their equal). 


Why was it so relevant to me?


Because the world of spiritual growth and impersonality opened up unlimited power to greater presence and embodiment, dis-identification of ego-self, even identification as a star.


Where the ego-self was non-sexual and limited, there was unlimited possibility, power and growth with the soul-self and more IM-personal spiritual experience IN PRESENCE which was HERE AND NOW - not in the future.


A lot of men were somewhere in the future in their fantasy but DISCONNECTED from the power of now when actually relating with women socially.


Ironically; while they were so focused on the limited paradigm of 'inner game' and 'outer game' all FROM the egoic perspective and self, I was seeking these kinds of deeper answers elsewhere for years. So...


Dissociating from the ego was a path to expanded consciousness and a more powerful presence as well as a way to still the cluttered monkey mind that was somewhere else to just 'be' in the power and truth of each/that moment.


Again; it was literally the OPPOSITE of what everyone was valuing with 'inner game' and it's ego-self attachments (in that era).


I also realized that;


Anxieties and unworthiness don't EXIST in true presence.


Earlier however; even though I thought I was intelligent and a good catch; often, high status women would still just ignore me if for no other reason than they were just higher status socially than I was, which made it challenging for me to remain present with that level of true power.


Well; maybe THAT was the weak link.


What if I could just RELATE with high status women with PRESENCE (like a star) and had other people verify it; wouldn't that be its own testament to my own worthiness and status?!


And isn't that different than 'gaming' high status women to try and take them down off of their social pedestal to bring them own to your level of reality?


And isn't the entire PUA concept even more absurd when you consider that women rarely date OUT of their league? They don't want to date someone of lower status, power or worthiness.


Again; the answers I was finding that movie stars had - was in real non-verbal power of presence and the ability TO relate to other powerful people.


Remember naturals and bad boys could have attraction with women whether they were in the same social circle or not; b/c they had PRESENCE.


So; again, I was studying 'The Power of Now',


..but realizing that it crossed more over to high status attraction, sexual attraction and new relationships than Eckhart was ever giving service or relevance to.

So with presence, it was about being more powerful and living fully IN the moment and experiencing connection; not just spiritual or transcendant experiential connection but connection to other people of sexual and social value. 


The ability to 'be' with their level of power in the moment; in this magical zone of non-resistance, awareness, acceptance and connection. With the ego out of the equation it was just all BETTER because the monkey mind is the 1 thing that won't shut up.


Connection is what I valued and I knew there was sexual sub-communication that existed on level below just interpersonal rapport and similar interests. 


So what if I worked direct on my presence more than my personality even? Hmm...


And I realized how women literally couldn't feel attraction or connection for men that were lacking in presence in relation to them and their high status power (and sex). It was a DISCONNECT or 'felt flat' or she 'felt nothing for him'.


And those are actual words women use.

At best it would be affection or friendzone.


And I know that like me, many men found it impossible to feel worthy to a woman who could have 1 million other men lined up to date her.


Heck; the social matrix GAVE her more power and status and single modern men by default were being LEFT BEHIND. I saw this happening in real time and NOW women are more powerful than ever.


His inner game just couldn't solve this conundrum of a puzzle...but I discovered that there were these other dynamics going on WITH power, presence and impersonality. me; even though NO ONE was teaching it in the dating industry at the time (and 'naturals' were unconscious competents), and I was cross-translating spiritual presence over in the sexual, social and relational arena of life;

I knew the best and authentic answers were in the realm of PRESENCE and embodiment instead of 'doing more' of the same B.S. 'actions' and memorizing pick-up line scripts that made you self-conscious and nervous just thinking of it or 'modeling' charismatic men.


Real POWER is an aphrodisiac. Power brings status and opportunities. And men who were acting WITHOUT POWER were stuck to 'do' such superficial things like that to try and experience connection with women.

Not only did any of that rarely work for men, but many have wasted huge investments of time and still weren't attract the quality of woman they wanted for a long-term relationship.

Oh - and let me bring this in as something relevant that I also noticed;


Many single men would invest years into bodybuilding



...Or even mastering a certain skillset, sport or hobby


He could refocus years of his time into a specific skillset or hobby area and still...women would entirely ignore him.


...None of that mattered to women and their own love life if they couldn't be present with a woman they were attracted to - to even start anything with.


Heck; the simple fact that women (esp. women who are in high demand) are so intuitive is either working FOR you or against you and I.


They are gauging and testing you and can read THROUGH the manipulative B.S. - especially in more normal environments outside of nightclubs which had their own social dynamics.


I would say that a lot of men put their frustration with women as motivation back into building their body or improving themselves even more to impress women even more - alas to no avail. 


Well; what if they just worked on their presence instead?!


I saw a lot of men myself included (before all this) LOSE PRESENCE with women of true status, power and beauty;


And how could you be indifferent to something that you and your subconscious value SO MUCH?  Like Her love or Her sex with pheromones screaming?,


Presence and the spiritual quality of non-attachment


....again, a lot of it had to do with the DIS-solution of the male ego and not at all about amplifying it even louder, 'getting in state', doing self-help affirmations or even personalizing everything about sex to be about your own selfish gratification while projecting women as objects or 'targets'.

Unfortunately, although he was a great model of spiritual presence and I had learned quite a bit from him;


It became obvious that Eckhart Tolle probably Wasn't the best example or model of SEXUAL presence and attraction.


Image copyright Eckhart Tolle, used under Fair use copyright guidelines

And he's GREAT, but I had to acknowledge the sexual aspect of things.


Not to mention; say I could do a lot of zen meditation, but could then be thrown off instantly in presence with a high status woman (and her sexual power) that I really had feelings for that I couldn't control.

So it was clear that the factor of SEXUAL presence (which the naturals with women had); became central for having rockstar or movie star charisma.

Charismatic CEO's who were married in a relationship, usually didn't have quite the same sexual relevance and excitement to others.


And it was clear that FROM this core of presence and the confidence that went with it; THEN communicated his non-verbal behaviors, words and actions.


It's like a woman could already know to TRUST a man with presence and open up to HIM



Isn't this type of connection like everything? He's married but still having this kind of effect

Copyrights belong to respective copyright holders


 instead of a man who was lacking in presence and couldn't relate to her with simple comfort and power.  The LEVEL of woman you can remain truly present with - without experiencing anxieties is a test and gauge of your power and status.


Remember; approach anxieties, etc. all comes down to a lack of presence.  How you got there is its own thing but it's still lack of presence.



Copyright belongs to respective owners


And for sexual attraction, polarity was essential but required presence otherwise it was heading towards friendzone or nothing.


A FB friend took a survey of 100 women and PRESENCE was the number 1 thing women wanted.

So presence was central,
but I realized I could even sum it ALL up with one word. 


 What was the CORE of everything?


The CORE of his non-verbal communication and power itself?


To have star presence and sex appeal it really came down to this:



NOT his conscious mind or his 'thoughts', but his energy.

It was his energy (including his presence, aura, image and authentic non-verbal expression) and the ability of the high status people to rapidly and somehow KNOW and 'read' his energy whether to associate with him and build a relationship or not.


Most of this happening within 3 seconds non-consciously and then being confirmed within 3 minutes.


Doors would open or close primary on this non-verbal dynamic and the mega importance of the 'first impression'.

His badass-ness, charm, PRESENCE, non-verbal behavior, confidence, values, vibes, nuances and then verbal communication it all sources from his energy

(esp. b/c not all of it is conscious to him).


Machine Gun Kelly is a good example of this. He has charismatic power and confidence oozing forth.




Within 3 seconds women are determining a LOT about him.  And when who is speaks louder than words, words often aren't necessary.


And for men in general; I realized that his 'image' represented his energy and presence like in social media or dating photos (which were non-physical) - and women could still read things about him and his status. 


In otw your 'image' is your non-physical representation of your energy, power and a non-verbal snapshot FROM which people are making judgments and opening or closing doors to.

So; I always wanted star charisma energy and the presence that went along with it (although I didn't know that was what it was called back then).


But how do 'I' GET THAT sexy, powerful,

Attractive, Influential energy and LIVE it?

(Without being famous right now)


Hmm...what if I focused on the OPPOSITE area of what the rest of the industry was focused on?


What if I just focused on the 91%

(my presence and energy?)


...and dove into that instead of taking a 9% approach and trying to model other charismatic men bass-acKwarDs?

What if I could practically focus and subjectively progress in the 91% of communication that mattered and cultivated more spiritual presence, embodiment, sexual presence, sexual polarity and power as an authentic soul expression?


What if I valued and cultivated more IMpersonality than personality?

And...well, wait a minute;


What if I literally just worked on my energy itself?!


Could that more rapidly change my external results and how others respond to me?

Absolutely.  Could it even be the FASTEST, most leveraged way to authentic transformation in working 'at the source'?  Uhuh.

And although the process wasn't this linear b/c it occurred over a decade - that is exactly what I did. 


I went to the Far East

and eventually became an energy master


I studied Eckhart Tolle (as I mentioned before), I immersed into the world of energy; went to an ashram with an enlightened master, studied and got activated with authentic Masters and shamans, went to the source of Tai Chi in China and more I won't share now, but I DOVE IN over the course of years; reiki, qigong, etc..


I worked on my presence, sexual polarity, energy, chakras,


...awakening my consciousness directly; ascension meditations, practicing tantra, releasing methods and doing tons of sexual meditation/alchemy with the meta-feminine, starting a powerful line of audio meditations and much, much more.




There were some other breakthroughs about charisma, but I knew that energy was where it was all where it was at and I started LIVING the exact results that I desired;


Easily networking with millionaires and industry leaders, rising to the top of the dating industry in 1 weekend, dating more and more attractive women, hosting multiple women at the same time without ever being creepy, getting non-verbal attraction from women almost everywhere I went when I was 'on', getting invited to Hollywood parties, having Hollywood connections, men introducing me to women in their circle, etc.

And when a major TV show actress/model appeared on my radar, I stepped up the work on my energy and presence even more to further calibrate myself to relating at that level.

And I ended up having some great charisma when I choose to be 'on''s all scaling in the process but, wow...I can show you some other pictures and you wouldn't believe it's the same person.


I did however, hit a massive wall of value conflicts and confusion for years however because I had to end up translating and de-codifying energy work for an entirely new value system (ours; charisma, sexual attraction, performance, image, influence) which was different than what it was known for - for 1000s of years (healing, wellness and vitality).

After all;


my energy masters Didn't care about image,

performance or attraction


My primary master can turn mud into dust with his hands in less than a minute and has healed cancers, but he didn't care about charisma or you having sexy appealing allure that just DRAWS people to you. 


And it was challenging because seeing seniors doing Tai Chi on a well-manicured lawn in white pajamas seemed about the LEAST relevant thing to me and having movie star charisma.




So I studied and immersed with energy masters, but I had translate it all on my own and dare to stand out as a heretic with a new paradigm


And great news about all of this is that we're practically working with the same energy (qi, chi, ki, prana) yin and yang that has been around for 1000s of years; just with a different value system.


So, long story short;


Here we are with Sexy Chi, Star Charisma!

Now, for professional image and charisma transformation, we're just becoming more conscious and operational with this 91% of non-verbal communication, power and influence. 


It's kinda psychic in fact - which is really just making the non-conscious more verifiably conscious into our awareness.


So there's more than just having DREAMS of being that man with awesome charisma and sex appeal, you can start living it.


Like I did, you can become a natural with women (because that is actually your greater truth, energetic and biological programming) but beyond that, you might find it gets into super-natural levels of presence and HEALING powers.


U might have heard of the term 'ascension'.


Well; this is already happening and literally what STARS have become and are becoming...the spiritual SEX ICONS of power and influence awakening and healing emotional and sexual consciousness in the world...a world where ENTERTAINMENT is becoming transformational.


Where people with higher frequencies and POWER like stars in their impersonal presence automatically embody the advancement OTHER people aspire to; they literally RAISE their human experience further from struggle, fear and turmoil and into freedom, love and higher experience.


Well, I won't say more about it now but with a SOUL identity of self instead of the limited ego-identity of self, you could even start leveraging that as a major asset for miraculous changes - if you are called to it WITHOUT having to be famous or with a ripped bod.


And that's a secret I found out about stars is that they have non-conscious healing powers BECAUSE of their sexual and spiritual (non-conscious) power and alignment. It's literally in their presence and charisma to affect and alter the vibration of someone else in their field.


That's also why people are drawn to them; they literally RAISE their human experience into what their heart, sex and soul would you like to have THAT 'it' factor?  Where your Heart chakra or your sexual power is so powerful and clean, that it just reaches through on the non-conscious levels penetrating THEIR aura.


This is that 91%.


U might realize that this isn't just about the superficial goodies, but about a deeper, more liberated and aligned knowing of self, richer, sexier relationships, healing, freedom of self and spiritual growth, even of your own masculine consciousness and embodiment...and u can have all that if u want it. 


The advantage with Sexy Chi is that we don't have value conflicts here around sexuality or being seen, popular and having shameless adventure in life. So it gives you a lot of play room to step into the higher status, sexy-soul that you know you are.


So...STARS inherently have these factors and are role models for others. U may have been called to be a role model and inspiration for others.





The secret to STAR charisma that COMPELS, attracts and influences others on a deep level - is with your presence, your energy.


Well, and having STAR-like energy.


And it also literally has to do with your qi life force energies and the flow of yin and yang.


Remember that you are always communicating visually and non-verbally not just with your body language but more importantly with your energy which is the SOURCE of your body language - and this literally gets into the areas of your spiritual, physical, psychic, sexual, emotional consciousness and power itself.


If we only valued body language and didn't go deeper, we would remain non-conscious to all those important areas I just mentioned that matter.


And with your energy; by default, you are always attracting or repelling new relationships through the Law of Attraction whether you are conscious of it or not.


I know you value your time, so why not work direct on the 91% that matters and has the MOST weight and leverage in changing ur life?


So...what ARE you communicating?  What is your energy broadcasting non-verbally and signaling to potential mentors, business partners or lovers that is opening or closing doors?...hmm...


And since it is your non-verbal presence and energy that is already communicating;


If you are NOT consistently;


  • Attracting kickass movers and shakers

  • Able to relate with powerful, beautiful women comfortably without anxieties

  • Feeling sexual sparks of energy and movement with other singles

  • Getting invited to different things in alignment with your direction

  • Attracting new high level contacts


And if you are;

  • Suffering unworthiness and social anxieties around people you want to meet

  • Resistant and holding back from meeting and socializing w/new people

  • Stuck in egoic self-doubt and hesisitative resistance

  • Being a social wallflower out of secret fears and anxieties

  • Hoping others will approve of you

  • Afraid a woman will sense your anxiety, so you don't connect in the first place

  • Concerned you don't know what to say so you justify not meeting someone

  • Hanging out with the same people while dreaming of being with others

  • Conditioned from parents or cultural programming that you aren't worthy

  • Holding non-conscious unworthiness

  • Projecting they are higher status or 'out of your league'

  • Subconsciously envying, judging or resisting high status people

  • Wanting to pull them down to boost yourself up

  • Energetically seeking validation and fulfillment

  • Fumbling with body language techniques that don't work when it matters

  • Wanting to leech on to their energy field or 'get' something from them

  • Have selfish, needy expectations from them

  • Harbor resentment or double-standards

                                                                    (and this all whether you are conscious of it or not)

...but you still desire to up-level and live as the movie star version of yourself in an EPIC, soul-aligned life and lifestyle that attracts the people and resources your desire;


Then your energy and its non-verbal, visual communication (and image) has to change - it MUST change because higher status people just aren't going to concede for a fraud; literally you must change because they are already out there and will respond different to you when you change.


your sexual energy itself could be BLOCKED from even influencing someone in their relevant chakras non-consciously.  But with PRESENT and open flowing chi/qi/prana the power could influence.


So you could take a long, long path to 'maybe' get there, keep listening to the behavioral modeling techniques (which you KNOW don't really work, esp. when someone you really want to meet comes along) -


Or you could take a more DIRECT path to change things at the most powerful levels the fastest; but either way, your energy must change (in order to automatically attract a different reality through the Law of Attraction and Resonance).


So...what if we focused on the area that makes @ least 80% of the difference anyways even if it might be new to you?


Remember; the DREAM people are already OUT THERE NOW for you professionally, socially and sexually. 


you don't have to keep living vicariously through OTHERS - and I see this how millions of men have 'given up' and watch so much t.v. which allows them to live their dreams through someone else. 


I think you also want to be the one LIVING it, right?  That's why you're here.


So; to BE the sexy change that you desire in the world where people WANT to be with you;


Who do you have to be to ATTRACT and connect with the people you DESIRE to work, live and play with?  What games or fears do you have to let go of?


And are you tired of being left out of the level of badassery that you truly desire to live in and self-express as in being THE MAN?


Then, the golden key to change and having more charisma is;


If you are NOT attracting and experiencing what you want and With WHO you want, you MUST change your energy itself;


That includes your aura, presence, image and authentic, effortless Self-expression.

Because it is your energy and aura that is always communicating and attracting.


And it's more important than ever in our meta-social age of Facebook, instagram...


Having star-like energy, charisma and presence will open the world as your oyster and I know you can start experiencing that too.


And on a deeper level, I think that you know that it's not just about having higher status or cooler friends; it's about a profound level of freedom and self-expression instead of living in secretive anxieties, oppression or fears around true beauty or power.


I think that you desire to have a deeper influence and impact on people.  And like me, that you WANT to believe that you are beautiful and worthy - and to be in your fuller, unlimited power and soul-aligned communication LIKE a star where you are the priceless commodity and legacy that money can't buy.


And if you're in an image-related business or connection business, it becomes even MORE important.


So how do you get star charisma without already being a movie star or rock star?


I mean like real identity level transformation stuff?  After years of working with clients, I have found that for charisma (and for transformation itself in general);


The BEST and FASTEST thing you can do is

to work on your energy Itself, directly


Well; actually to have someone who knows what they're doing with a lot of power and experience to work on it directly ;)


I've mentioned it above but it just makes sense, right?  Esp. because I know that you have tried other things.


After learning and applying many methodologies (deeper than superficial modeling), I have found and seen that;


All other paths are slower, more indirect path to what you want to get to anyways, b/c it still all comes down to your energy and what you are non-verbally communicating to others from deep within.


Working on your energy itself (and your impersonal/star self identity) allows me to work literally direct on your subconsciousness, soul and the conditioned programs that are 'stuck' in your energy field and energy centers (chakras) that are already communicating - at their SOURCE LEVEL itself...the stuff that you're not conscious of, but has been KEEPING success and high level attraction away from you.


Sure, there's other important things to invest in; like up-leveling and calibrating your style, self-expressive fashion, hairstyling, bodybuilding, skin care, etc. but I see these as all secondary and supportive to the primary core of your energy itself.


So, as I mentioned;


 I worked directly on my own energy, presence, Consciousness, Chi, sexual presence and image,


..and then I started working on my clients' energy directly too.  A lot of that was focused on releasing energetic resistances towards beautiful, high status people that was projecting non-consciously from their energy field that were preventing attraction and connection.


There are a myriad of techniques (hundreds); sometimes it was clearing up energetic portal that were draining their life force and causing them to lose presence. With this direct work;


I saw THEIR energy, charisma and the non-verbal communication with it (as well as their RESULTS) transform in front of my eyes in LIGHTNING fast time with verifiable results.

And often these were permanent changes. 


And I started seeing others refer to them as charismatic men or like one time in L.A. at a Vietnamese restaurant with a client after he and I 'dropped in' and made eye contact, I went to the bathroom and came out and his energy changed - they were calling him and I movie stars.


And I could literally see the split between the dorkier, more logical analytical version of self and the moviestar producer version of self in that one client who also said "this was like 5 years of transformation in 1 week".  Why? Because the energy work is the core of it.

And I've seen it where just SOME energy work in this area can make quantum differences faster than anything else. I even facilitated anti-aging an older client 15 years during a 15 minute energy session the other attendees saw it.


I've done 10 year anti-aging sessions as well...stress just gets stored up in the physiological body.


I wasn't even doing generic 1 hour sessions, I was breaking all molds and found that working more powerfully and direct in just a few minutes of energy work, I could get a RESULTS based valuation that was verifiable and relevant to that person.


And in that case; women were noticing him immediately afterwards in the hotel lobby and then at his work on how much he'd changed. 


We've literally seen men step into their manliness after a short energy session with me; more relaxed, open, powerful, grounded, relaxed, confident in their own skin, etc. 


He didn't have to trick his body into believing it or hate himself for not being there yet; he just WAS more effortlessly masculine and sexy so it made it easier to just accept it and drop the ego-pushing focus. 


Then it was easier to just stop talking and doing so much to just allow more of this natural power to exude and speak more than words (speaking body language ;).

So; in order for you to start experiencing star charisma


..and even opening up to greater masculine presence and that authentic visual soul/self expression (which stars have) and the profound results and changes it will bring in your life, love life, social status and career; I'm more about transformation than why don't we do this?

Let's first take a look AT your energy and image now,


That's important because it allows us to see HOW far you are (presence-wise) from where you want to go.  I mean, we could literally compare you to your favorite male celebrity....


We're finally able to look at this non-verbal power and communication stuff (that 91% that matters) with energy reading.

We'll start with a private charisma energy reading.


As one of the next 100 energy readings; it's free with no further obligation.


Just start this process by filling out the intake form, which will give me some more background about you as I go into your reading.


you will want to attach 1 or 2 photos for me to read (ideally recent); medium close-up and another bod shot ideally with chakras unobstructed.  If the intake form doesn't allow for upload, please add me to FB and sent me the pics via FB chat/messenger.


From there, I'll deliver your energy reading in the PDF format and it's yours to keep. U are invited to give testimonial/feedback and can remain anonymous if you choose.


Please allow for around 72 hours (or less) for delivery.  In your report I will include recommendations on what to do next or (in most cases), invite you to schedule a free follow-up audio strategy session in which I can also answer questions.


Start your Free Charisma Energy Reading Here


And we'll be in touch!


-Rion Kati



More info:


What is your energy (and non-verbals) communicating? How much presence or power do you have and where would you ideally LIKE to be at?  What areas should you be working on for the fastest change and how that could save you years of frustration and going down dead ends?


I assure that you are going to have some invaluable insights to look at.  (Check out some of my energy reading testimonials below (as I add them this week).


Keep in mind that I'm no longer in the information business, I'm in the transformation business and I'd like to build a relationship. 


Each person is different and I'd like to focus on you because your requirements could be dramatically different than someone else.


                                       Start your Free Charisma Energy Reading Here


Here's more details on what your free Charisma Energy Reading will include;

  • Social Status Factor

  • Dateability Factor

  • Style Factor

  • Quick Energy Reading Insights/Overview

  • Charisma Archetype Reading [CAM]

  • Experience Recommendations

Keep in mind that your energy doesn't lie. It's always communicating and expressing your truth. 


Getting a charisma energy reading allows you to start seeing what you have been communicating non-consciously and non-verbally and bringing it up into our conscious awareness.


your energy (including details like your aura, chakras and HOW the energies are flowing or not) are giving traceable clues into your level of status, self-image, self-acceptance, self-confidence, embodiment of impersonal masculine archetypal qualities (King, Warrior, etc.), comfort in your own skin, relative experience with women and much more.


It also says where you are blocked, fragmented, conditioned, living in 'not-self', out of alignment, personalized instead of connected, under control/influence of someone else with implants, etc. which is having a massive effect on your human experience emotionally, spiritually, physiologically, sexually and of course socially.


Some men have deep foundational issues that are keeping them far out of alignment with their masculine power.


Again; this all goes levels deeper than reading body language btw


It's kind of freaky how much I can know about someone from reading their energy.


"you know me like my best friends know me!"

- paraphrase from several women I've done readings for


Although I can do longer and more comprehensive readings; with this initial awareness, I can tell you what things will make the FASTEST, most profound difference in your life without you having to spend years chasing rabbit holes or being mostly stuck.


I can bring things up in the report and then we could schedule a follow-up strategy session if desired.


The level of self-awareness and clarity alone might be priceless just from the free energy reading.  Remember that awareness is a first big step to real transformation and much of this stuff is non-conscious to you otherwise.


Then, if we do end up working together;


Assessing and working with your energy we're able to work on the most important things at their source itself which THEN affect everything else so you can start attracting the exact types of people you desire in your life. 


But we will be able to talk about the options that are available because I have an extensive background in men's transformation.


I've facilitated years worth of stored up/blocked/suppressed energy RELEASING within a handful of minutes with more than a few clients in my hot seat. Not weeks or months of excruciating psychotherapy, mere MINUTES with verifiable results.  I've also helped 1000s of men around the world attract women naturally without game.


That's just 1 example of the power of solid energy work and its ability to work at the very source, foundational level of subconscious and self.  But let's not get ahead of ourselves.


What it will take for you?


I don't know yet. I don't prefer to give out general advice b/c each person is different and your diagnosis is unique.


That's why getting your energy reading will help you to see where you are right now and will give us an architecture and framework for where you want to go presence, charisma and image-wise.


                                  Start your Free Charisma Energy Reading Here


Here's what some have said about my energy readings.


"Spot on!" - C.B.

"That is truly a remarkable reading. I didn't expect you to be so in-depth with it. Totally exceeded my expectations...certainly resonates with me, strongly. Even with you mentioning the impersonal Kingship already being embodied; which aligns with my knowledge of having previous lifetimes...too cool.


All the other aspects you touch upon are also bang on! This is a wonderful guidepost as to what I can focus on, as I continue....Thank you, Rion!" - R.W.

"So so true about my heart not being completely open (as per the reading). I have a lot of ego attachments that I want to let go....thank you Rion" - G.B.

""Huge thank you! I read it over a couple of times and everything resonates.." -L.G.

"..this (reading) completely resonated with me...em>you have a wonderful gift. " - K.L.

"Great insight"

"Thank you divinely for your intuitive insights as your messages resonate deeply with me. Thanks you for acknowledging 'x' ..I enjoyed this reading, very spot on! Blessings to you Rion! - D.M.

"I am so grateful for your gifts..tthis was empowering for me to was so awesome that you spoke to 'x' specifically...I've never heard this spoken about me and it is so incredibly opened up my perspective as to how this may be coming across to others as well." - F.A.

".span class="auto-style81">.pretty bang on i think reflected things i didn't know and after reflection they feel true. i would say 95-95% accuracy (some parts hitting as high as 97%)"..pretty f*cking badass - Client 'x' (off of cold-reading but he has also been a past client)


SO....Can you start having that priceless sex appeal and star charisma?



It just takes that first step and we'll see where you're at. I'll give you some experienced and qualified recommendations and we'll take it from there!  


I'll leave it at that and look forward to our connection if ur getting a reading or reaching out on FB chat to me;


owerliminal Here:


>Start your Free Charisma Energy Reading<

Readings will be kept private and discreet unless otherwise agreed upon


i  And if you have been a Rion client or follower in the past, I'm pleased to announce that this (Sexy Chi: Star Charisma and Charisma Consulting) is the official evolution of my men's transformational work!


Copyright Dreamcore Productions Ltd. 2018

Images used under Fair Use Copyright Guidelines and belong to respective owners

Creative Commons photos; Saimiri_sciureus-1_Luc_Viatour / Rainforest_canopy-Brazil-Ben-Sutherland

Stars Nightsky Milky Way - Photo #139 - Free Creative Commons Photos (CC) @ PLiXS