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Charisma Definition

What is Charisma?

Like you, I was fascinated by other men who had this special quality of charisma...but WHAT IS CHARISMA?


 I had a yearning to know, so I found the best definitions of charisma which are here:


    1. compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.
    ie. "she enchanted guests with her charisma"

    2. a divinely conferred power or talent.


synonyms: charm, presence, personality, force of personality, strength of character;
magnetism, attractiveness, appeal, allure


The synonyms are good, but I wasn't too impressed so, I came up with what I think is a better, improved version definition of charisma that can help us.

Rion's (Masculine) Definition

'The effective visual expression and communication of a soul that attracts, sells and influences others'

With that said; this is the more masculine version speaking to men since it's mostly men who have valued charisma 10:1.

Here's a more feminine yin version;

Rion's (Feminine) Definition

'the alluring energetic visual expression and communication of a soul essence in person and in image (media) that attracts, sells, inspires and influences'

So now that we have a better idea of what it you want more magnetic attraction from you and your image to work for you 24/7?

 What is the secret of movie stars and rock stars?

How do we even develop this authentic, effortless magnetic strength of character and communication that inspires, sells and influences others?

Whether you are single, a CEO, professional speaker, an artist, married or taken - check out the free charisma report on this website and you're invited to subscribe to the Charisma4Men mailing list.

I'm also available for FB chats or a free energy reading.


-Rion Kati

Energy / Charisma Consultant



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